Friday, September 18, 2009

Sowie guys.

Hi guys!

Sowie ah. Been a long time since i never touch me blog n neva post anything. Since besok is Raya, I wanna wish anybody who comes to my blog (which I guess is not a lot) a BIG SELAMAT HARI RAYA! So it is like very early in the morning now n I am in KL at me cuz house. So COLD! Lata nite will be damn bz. Well, for da adults, (me mom n aunty) will cook for raya besok. N da girls, (me cuz n me n me sis) will do hena n den laughs, do hair and all da girls stuff. N da boiz, (me bro n me cuz) up to them. Haha. So, uhh... Looks like me raya duit all in RM. Haiz... I so sad le. N internet at home. D= Haiz... K la. I'll update some more soon or maybe long long long long long long long long long long time lata. Muahahahahaha. Insya-allah soon. If i got the internet. Alrity then. Bye! Collect banyak2 hor da duit raya. haha. Oh yeah, N i did a blog, which is (iguess) hehe. try ah. Go look there. That's a shared blog. Me cuz, me sis n me. So yea.