Saturday, July 18, 2009

NE show was so darn fun!

Hey people of the earth! :)

From me title of course u noe wat imma gonna talk about. NE!! went for it yesterdae. We were supposed to be in the hall by 12.00 n we left at 3. Wasted out time in da hall for 3 hours! Before we left, we got our bags. I took green cuz there was oni 3 colours in our sch, which was green, pink n blue. Totally not gonna take pink! So girlish. N i didn't take blue cuz it's me sis colour. N besides, da blue wasn't dat nice. N da teachers destributed da dinner which was KFC. The 5/5 were all so kanciong. After getting da bag, we straight away changed da cover. I changed it to blue. So we waited in da hall while reading a magazine dat was in each of our bags. N waited, n waited, n waited. Till it was time to go. Took us 2 hrs n 15 mins to go there n settle down. All da people started eatingtheir KFC once they were all seated except for me n some of me fwens. N sung some songs n at last! Da moment we have been waiting for has arrived! Da show had started. I enjoyed it so much. Da fireworks has got a new design. U will have to find out urself. Muahahahahaha. Dats all. N before i leave, i gotta admit, I am so proud to be a SINGAPOREAN!!! I mean like hu isn't? Haha. Dats all n bye!