Monday, November 23, 2009

Sad sad sad...


Wow!!! So long I neva go me blog! Haha. Lots of things has happened. And I mean alot! So sad man! Have to leave the P6's - especially this boi who I REALLY like! Haiz... Some cried on the last dae of school. People hu cried: Fizah(hu started the waterworks ferst) and syura and me. And some of the P6's. I started crying only wen I saw some P6 gerls crying. So sad. REally am trying to plan something to do with my friends before I go to KL. Well, now it's the holidays... I'm going to KL for skating lessons, den maybe go Genting and den come back to S.pore. Well, to tell you the truth, my holiday schedule isn't really planned properly! Haha. We juz go with the flow. We're not even sure if we're going to Genting! Haha. Well I hope we do, though. So long neva go there! Ok.. am hungry rite now. wanna find food! So cya lata my fwens! Hope to come here again really really soon. Hehe.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Sowie guys.

Hi guys!

Sowie ah. Been a long time since i never touch me blog n neva post anything. Since besok is Raya, I wanna wish anybody who comes to my blog (which I guess is not a lot) a BIG SELAMAT HARI RAYA! So it is like very early in the morning now n I am in KL at me cuz house. So COLD! Lata nite will be damn bz. Well, for da adults, (me mom n aunty) will cook for raya besok. N da girls, (me cuz n me n me sis) will do hena n den laughs, do hair and all da girls stuff. N da boiz, (me bro n me cuz) up to them. Haha. So, uhh... Looks like me raya duit all in RM. Haiz... I so sad le. N internet at home. D= Haiz... K la. I'll update some more soon or maybe long long long long long long long long long long time lata. Muahahahahaha. Insya-allah soon. If i got the internet. Alrity then. Bye! Collect banyak2 hor da duit raya. haha. Oh yeah, N i did a blog, which is (iguess) hehe. try ah. Go look there. That's a shared blog. Me cuz, me sis n me. So yea.


Monday, July 20, 2009

I had soooooooo much fun yesterdae! =D


I so won't forget about yesterdae. We (me, me sis, me bro, fendi,e mom n uncle j) went out yesterdae. 1st we went to IMM to have lunch there n after our lunch, da kids (me, me sis,me bro n fendi) went to dis japanese shop while me mom n uncle j walked n talked. I find da shop cool cuz it was all priced $2. So we bought like about 7 stuffs. But Fendi didn't took anything. So let's move on. After buying da stuff's, we walked to da carpark to find for da car, of course. While walking, we planned on wat to do next. So me sis wanted to go to East Coast so on da wae, it rained, so i was glad cuz i wasn't in da mood of cycling. So we went to Keppel Club instead n played bowling there. Dat is wen me n Fendi started to talk. I wasn't shy ever since. We played about 3 games total. While each of us roll da ball, Fendi would take picture of us. N so after da games, we went for our dinner at 1 of dis place which i dunno. Hehe. Ate nasi padang there n den went across da street to find for our dessert, which was Ben & Jerry's. It was me sis's idea. So i juz go with da flow. I took Apple Pie a la' mode( i guess so dat is how it is spelt). Haha. N fendi, me bro n me mom n uncle j took like a single scoop on a crusted waffle i guess. N me sis took smth smth brownie special. I can't remember! Hehe. N after our dessert, i rushed 2 da toilet. Haha. den went to da supermarket to buy our breakfast. N after picking wat we wanted, i decided maybe we could try da self-service pay. So we did n we were all like laughing over der n took us a long time to finish scannin wen all we have was 4 items. Muaahahahahahaha. Oh yeah, n not to forget, wen we entered da supermarket, while finding me mom n uncle j, fendi took a plastic bag n i gave him da idea of blowing air inside n tie it so we can plae like a ball. N we played it everywhere. N i still have it (as a reminder of wat we did) hehe. N den me mom n uncle j decided to go home but i requested maybe go to East Coast but den we went to one fo dis park instead. So we brought our "ball" along n played it while walkin. Well it's oni me n Fendi hu played. N we did mentioned dat we r immatures. But hu cares? Muahahahha. Den after dat, we went home. But i have no idea y we went up to fendi's house 1st. But i was so shocked to see how nice his house is. It may be small but it so darn nice! I mean da wae dey decorated their house. N after like how many minutes, maybe hours, me, me sis, me bro n me mom went home. I was so sad to go home. N after i came home, bathed den switched on da laptop to chat chat with fendi. Haha. So dat is all. So long people!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

NE show was so darn fun!

Hey people of the earth! :)

From me title of course u noe wat imma gonna talk about. NE!! went for it yesterdae. We were supposed to be in the hall by 12.00 n we left at 3. Wasted out time in da hall for 3 hours! Before we left, we got our bags. I took green cuz there was oni 3 colours in our sch, which was green, pink n blue. Totally not gonna take pink! So girlish. N i didn't take blue cuz it's me sis colour. N besides, da blue wasn't dat nice. N da teachers destributed da dinner which was KFC. The 5/5 were all so kanciong. After getting da bag, we straight away changed da cover. I changed it to blue. So we waited in da hall while reading a magazine dat was in each of our bags. N waited, n waited, n waited. Till it was time to go. Took us 2 hrs n 15 mins to go there n settle down. All da people started eatingtheir KFC once they were all seated except for me n some of me fwens. N sung some songs n at last! Da moment we have been waiting for has arrived! Da show had started. I enjoyed it so much. Da fireworks has got a new design. U will have to find out urself. Muahahahahaha. Dats all. N before i leave, i gotta admit, I am so proud to be a SINGAPOREAN!!! I mean like hu isn't? Haha. Dats all n bye!

Friday, July 17, 2009


Hey everybody!

We got a newbie in da house! Lol. Welcome to me blog. Check around, listen to me playlist n have fun in me blog! Dats all da mean while. I'll post again later. But for now, gotta get ready to NDP!!! Wooohoooo! See ya later. =D